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Vertical Spacer

  • This is not an active monitor but rather a tool to assist you in laying out your monitors.
  • Enables you to position Widgets vertically with blank space between them.

Configure the Vertical Spacer

As the Dashboard column containers mandates the widgets stack from the top down, the spacer widget provides you with the ability to create some "space" between monitors if you wish to create groupings of them.

It is expected that you have already acquainted yourself with the two introductory Monitor pages, Monitors At Large and the Monitor Chooser. If you have not, please do so now to learn how we reached this point.

After double-clicking the monitor to put it into edit-mode, click the 'gear' icon [highlighted in green] to open the configuration window [highlighted in orange].

Alert Monitor Configuration's field descriptions:

  • Spacer Height - This sets the height of the spacer.

The minimum permissible value for the Spacer Height is 35; the maximum value is 999.

  • If you would like a Spacer that is the height of one Widget, use 35. (that implies the height of a Widget in "pinned-mode", i.e. minus the Widget Titlebar)
  • If you would like a Spacer that is the height of two Widgets use 74*.
  • If you would like a Spacer that is the height of three Widgets use 111*.
  • Add 37* for each additional increment of "one additional widget height" you would like to add.